
Friday, July 01, 2005

Vicente Fox's image problem 

Once again, Mexican Prez Vinny Fox is getting flack from black Americans (and even the White House this time) for being racially insensitive.

The Mexican government issued a postage stamp honoring a cartoon character who's been prevalent there since 1945. The cartoon is a kid with exaggerated black features, and resembles the stereotypical image traditionally used to belittle blacks in the U.S.

Now, I've never seen the cartoon, and I do not pretend to know much about Mexican culture. But all I can say is: it's a' good thing Vinny isn't an American politician, 'cause the guy can't spin his way out of a paper bag. His defense:
"They don't have information, frankly," Fox said in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press. "All Mexico loves the character," Fox said, adding that he himself was fond of it. (emphasis added)
Oh. So then you're all assholes! Glad we cleared that up.*

I mean, sure, there were racially questionable things on TV and radio and in print in the United States. But, you know, we don't still make them. And we don't put them on postage stamps. If we're applying the "popularity" standard to questionable pop culture icons, perhaps the U.S. should honor Amos & Andy with their own postage stamp. And maybe the Germans can pay tribute to the wildly popular 1939 children's book "Jewey Kikerson Eats a Wienerschnitzel."**

*Note from the editors: "The author does not actually think all Mexicans are assholes. But Vicente Fox is a douche."

**Note #2 from the editors: "The author is not in any way comparing Mexicans to the Nazis and their ficticious Wienerschnitzel tale. The Mexicans are nothing like the Nazis, and the situations are entirely different. I'm sure the racist character is quite funny and lovable, really! What's more, the Mexicans are wonderful people who craft fine culinary treasures. The author makes fajitas regularly."

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