
Monday, May 16, 2005

ACLU: 1. Federal government: 0. 

The ACLU announced this morning that it's suing the feds for giving several million of our tax dollars to "The Silver Ring Thing" -- a national program based in my neck of the woods that gets young people to take a pledge not to have sex before marriage.

The kids wear a little silver ring inscribed with a bible passage, and here's how the group describes itself -- information discoverable by anyone with a computer:
The ministry of John Guest and his team is to call our world to Christ. The Silver Ring Thing is now the primary outreach of the John Guest team. The mission is to saturate the United States with a generation of young people who have taken a vow of sexual abstinence until marriage and put on the silver ring. The mission can only be achieved by offering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as the best way to live a sexually pure life.
Seems like a winner, no?

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