
Friday, December 31, 2004

Rolaids (Tsunami) Relief Award 

Countries competing for supremacy....putting each other down....racing for Gold... It's better than the Olympics medal count --- it's the race for the Rolaids (Tsunami) Relief Award!

After realizing he was going to be shown up by the country his key constituency believes to be the Worst Country in the World (France) as well as Sweden, W has multiplied by ten the initial U.S. relief package for Southeast Asia.

Here, then, are the up-to-the-minute Rolaids (Tsunami) Relief Award standings, presented by DanNation:

U.S.: $350M
SWEDEN: $75.5M
SPAIN: $68M (partly in loans -- cheap siesta-ing bastards)
IRAQ: 15 surface-to-air missiles; burned U.S. flags
NORTH CAROLINA: 12 million Camels (cigarettes)
AFGHANISTAN: 12 camels (actual camels)

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